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How does an intervention work?

An intervention is a structured process designed to help an individual struggling with addiction recognize the impact of their behavior on themselves and their loved ones and to motivate them to seek treatment. Here's a general overview of how an intervention typically works:

  1. Planning: The first step is to plan the intervention. In our first session, I will gather information about your family and the nature of the addiction and goals for recovery. Then, we will meet together to plan who will participate in the intervention, where and when it will happen, and what each participant will say.

  2. Gathering: The family members and close friends who will participate in the intervention gather at the designated time and place. I will be present to facilitate the intervention and ensure that the process stays on track.

  3. Expression of Concern: Each participant expresses their concern for the individual's well-being, and how their addiction has impacted their lives.

  4. Consequences: Participants explain the specific consequences that will occur if the individual does not seek treatment, such as ending relationships or withdrawing financial support.

  5. Treatment Plan: A treatment plan is presented to your family member, and they are encouraged to seek help immediately. I will assist in finding a place with availability and how to transfer your family member there.

Why do I need a therapist involved in our family intervetion?

It is helpful to have a trained therapist present for an intervention for several reasons:

  1. Experience and expertise: A trained therapist has experience and expertise in working with families and individuals affected by addiction. They can provide guidance and support to the family members and the addict throughout the intervention process.

  2. Objectivity: A trained therapist can provide an objective perspective on the situation and help to keep the conversation on track. They can also help family members to work through their own emotions and reactions during the intervention.

  3. Manage conflict: Interventions can be emotionally charged and may lead to conflict. A trained therapist can help to manage conflict and keep the conversation productive.

  4. Support for the addict: A trained therapist can help the addict to feel supported and encouraged to seek treatment. They can provide information about treatment options and help the addict to understand the impact of their behavior on themselves and their loved ones.

  5. Follow-up care: A trained therapist can provide follow-up care to ensure that the addict is receiving appropriate treatment and support after the intervention.

I have over a decade of experience working specifically in addiction treatment including both inpatient and outpatient care.

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Schedule a free consultation to discuss an intervention for your family member.

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